Kamis, 02 Agustus 2012

Google Docs Presentations Adds over 450 Custom Fonts

Google is adding access to 450 new fonts, from its online gallery, to its Presentations tool part of Docs. These fonts are already available for the document editor, but they arguably are a lot more useful in presentations where unique fonts are going to have a lot more impact.

There's really not that much you can do inside a document with fonts before it starts looking ridiculous. The threshold is much higher for presentations.

"Good design is an important part of getting your point across in a presentat ion. Over time we’ve added a bunch of features to help you bring a little something extra to your decks, like slide transitions and animations, thousands of free stock photos, and a growing collection of templates," Google boasted.

"Today, creating eye-catching presentations gets even easier, with more than 450 new fonts to choose from," it announced.

The feature works very much the same as the document editor version, so if you've been using custom fonts for your documents, adding some for presentations won't be a problem.

"To browse and select new fonts, click on Add fonts from the bottom of the fonts dropdown in the toolbar. This will take you to the menu of all available fonts, where you can pick the ones you want to use," Google explained.

"Any fonts that you select will get automatically added to your fonts list so it’s easy to find them later."

Once you're satisfied with your selection on the Google Fonts page, you'll be returned to the presentation. All of the fonts you selected will be available from the drop-down menu. What's more, your selection will be preserved for future presentations.

This is great if you find yourself using the same fonts over and over again, but not so much if you want different fonts for different presentations as the font list can become quite unwieldy. What's more, all those fonts have to be loaded the first time you open the editor, slowing things down.

Via: Google Docs Presentations Adds over 450 Custom Fonts

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