Download the new textPlus application and you’ll be able to call any user on any phone number completely free of charge in the United States. The only condition is for the recipient to have textPlus installed as well.
textPlus, Inc. announced a new update this week for users of its popular iOS application bearing the same name.
The deve lopers also say textPlus just got faster and better looking. Avid users will undoubtedly spot even the faintest UI changes, while the increased speed will most likely result in much faster texting. It’s also been optimized for landscape mode, iPad and iPad mini.
The free calling thing only works in the States (for now) and requires additional hardware on non-iPhone devices, like the iPod touch and iPad. Apple’s new EarPods with Remote and Mic will do just great.
Also, you can only call for free if the recipient has textPlus 5.0 installed as well. Users can also earn free minutes (or buy them cheap) to call any US mobile or landline number. The service currently has roughly 40 million users worldwide, the developers said.
textPlys uses Push and Transient notifications, so that you can respond quickly to text and calls anywhere. It connects to both Wi-Fi and cellular networks, and allows you to easily switch between Bluetooth, speaker and handset gear.
Supported languages include English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
textPlus works with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad. The app requires iOS 4.3 or later and is optimized for iPhone 5.
Download textPlus iOS (Free)
Via: Make Free Calls with textPlus iOS 5.0
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