Kamis, 29 November 2012

Steven Sinofsky Is Still Addicted to Surface, Starbucks Coffee

The former Windows boss Steve Sinofsky has officially left Microsoft a few weeks ago, but he’s still a Microsoft employee until the end of the year, as the company recently revealed.

Sinofsky has avoided making headlines after his departure from Microsoft, so we still don’t know for sure whether he’s the one who decided to leave the company or CEO Steve Ballmer actually fired him.

Either way, Sinofsky is apparently trying to make the most of his time off, so in case you really missed him, here you are: the ex-Windows head has been spotted in a Starbucks browsing the web on a… Surface.

He’s apparently really addicted to Microsoft’s first tablet ever, so it goes without saying that he’s one of the few lucky Surface owners, as many others have already reported plenty of issues with the tablet.
Via: Steven Sinofsky Is Still Addicted to Surface, Starbucks Coffee

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