Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Leopard Seal Feeds on Penguin [Video]

With polar bears, Arctic foxes, penguins and the like taking center stage in most documentaries regarding wildlife specimens living in our planet's frozen regions, species such as the leopard seal more often than not fail to make it under the spotlight.

Truth be told, these animals are presently not threatened with extinction, therefore it should come only natural that those which are need be at the center of our preoccupations.

However, this video stands as proof of how complex our planet's ecosystems are, and how animal behavior is bound to amaze us at any time. Needless to say, this in turn emphasizes how important it is to protect our planet's biodiversity.

The leopard seal's skills to hunt in the icy waters of the Antarctic seem rather fascinating. More so since, just by looking at how gracefully it moves in this frozen environment, one ca nnot really tell just how aggressive this animal can be when moving in for the kill.

You can watch a leopard seal catch and feed on a penguin in the video below.

Via: Leopard Seal Feeds on Penguin [Video]

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