Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Capcom and Sony Fix Street Fighter x Tekken for Vita DLC Problems

The development team at Capcom working on Street Fighter x Tekken and the Sony team in charge of the PlayStation Vita handheld have announced that they have found a way of solving the problems that the game has had with downloadable content.

A rather complex post on the official Capcom Unity blog details how each player can check his/her own situation and then take steps to get access to the content that has not been yet delivered.

All those who have redeemed their DLC after October 24 at 4 PM Pacific Standard Time should have access to the new characters and costumes that they have been promised, and for the rest of the player base Sony and Capcom promise full access on November 6.

Those who don’t find a solution in the Unity blog post are invited to contact Capcom directly.

Street Fighter x Tekken for Vita includes 12 new characters for players t o try out.

Via: Capcom and Sony Fix Street Fighter x Tekken for Vita DLC Problems

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