Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Nokia Lumia 822 and HTC 8X Show Up at Verizon, Pegged for November 8 Release

With only a few days left until the official release of Windows Phone 8 platform, the first live pictures of Verizon-bounded devices have just emerged.

The folks over at WPCentral have just published photos of Verizon HTC 8X and Nokia Lumia 822, both of which will arrive at Big Red next month.

The Blue HTC 8X and the White Nokia Lumia 822 are only two of the Windows Phone 8 devices launched by Verizon next month, but the carrier is also expected to release a certain Nokia Lumia 9xx and a Samsung handset.

However, according to sources close to the matter, Verizon plans to launch a Samsung smartphone powered by Windows Phone 8, other than the ATIV S, which will be available for free on contract.

All three Windows Phone devices are expected to hit shelves on November 8, though previous rumors claimed they will arrive on November 12. Stay tuned for m ore updates on the matter.

Via: Nokia Lumia 822 and HTC 8X Show Up at Verizon, Pegged for November 8 Release

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