Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2012

Google+ Boss Vic Gundotra's Snaps Vacation Pics with the Nexus 10, Possibly Edited with Snapseed

The upcoming Nexus 10 hasn't got much to hide anymore, full photos and specs have been leaked ahead of the Monday launch. But even before this happened, people were getting serious hints of the new device.

And, while rumors about an anticipated device like this spread like wildfire, when the "leak" comes from Google+ boss Vic Gundotra it weighs a little more than anything else.

Gundotra is a photography fan and is sporting some serious DSLR hardware most of the time.

But a couple of recent vacati on pics caught people's eyes, not necessarily because of the location, which is beautiful, but because of what took it, the yet to be announced Nexus 10 tablet.

Inquisitive people quickly noticed in the EXIF data that the photo, which is rather low resolution, but this is due to Google+ scaling it probably, was taken by the Google Nexus 10. The photo was uploaded from the mobile Google+ app.

If you're wondering why would Vic, who is a top Google exec but who isn't involved with Android or hardware, would be running around with an unreleased tablet well, my bet is that it has to do with photos, after all, that's what he's been doing with the tablet apparently.

Google recently acquired Nik Software, the photo software specialist maker of the popular iOS app Snapseed. And it was Vic that flew to Germany and made the deal happen.

Snapseed is coming to Android, Google has said that already, and what better time to unveil it than during the big Nexus event.

It could very well be that the new photo app will be part of the launch event, showing off what Android has best to offer, even if iOS offered it first.

At this moment, the only big question left unanswered about the Nexus 10 is the biggest one, the price. Nexus 7 made a splash at $199 and if Google wants to compete with the iPad it's probably not going to be able to do without a very low price. $299 would be quite a bargain and Google could go that low, but $349 wouldn't be that bad either.

The original photo
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Being a top Google exec means you get to take nice vacations in places like these
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Via: Google+ Boss Vic Gundotra's Snaps Vacation Pics with the Nexus 10, Possibly Edited with Snapseed

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