We’ve had the honor of doing an interview with the legendary computer programmer and former phone phreak John Draper, also known as Captain Crunch. He is currently in Thailand, working on his latest book, but, apparently, he also has some other interesting projects in mind.
We covered some interesting topics such as cyber security in general, his presentations at various conferences around the world, his book, Anonymous, WikiLeaks and even his new TV show.
John Draper: I've been currently working full time on my book. Thailand is the perfect place to do it. I don't speak the language, which means I can be left alone to write it. I'm still well connected to the Internet. But for me, this is a sabbatical.
Softpedia: You’ve had a great talk at this year’s Campus Party in Berlin on phone phreaking and you’ve attended other events around Europe. What conferences do you plan to attend next?
John Draper: I just finished my last conference for the year, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There are two others, but no deals have been signed. Now I will speak ONLY when getting a speaking fee, and I have a publicity agent who a rranges these things.
Softpedia: What topics will your future talks and presentations focus on?
John Draper: - my old stories are always popular;
- computer security, thinking “outside the box;”
- programming;
- current events;
- tips on surviving Cyberspace.
Softpedia: You have been around since the concept of computer hacking was invented so you must have made an opinion on how the phenomenon evolves.
Now I don't have to make illegal free calls, now it's legal with Skype and Google Voice.
Softpedia: What do you think about the direction in which cyber security is currently heading?
John Draper: I believe FULL DISCLOSURE of vulnerabilities is very important, then giving the vendors a reasonable time to fix it.
Softpedia: Who are some of the best “players” in this business around you?
John Draper: Steve Wozniak and Kevin Mitnick, but they are not “around me” geographically, only Virtually.
Softpedia: Has anyone from the new generation of security researchers caught your attention?
John Draper: Kaspersky Labs, Vulnerability Labs, and probably a host of others.
Softpedia: Is there anyone whose work you admire in particular?
John Draper: Anonymo us, which is not just a small group of people, it's essentially everyone and anyone who still admires freedom and chooses to wear the Guy Fawkes mask at demonstrations, particularly the "occupy" movement, which I totally support.
For individuals, it's Steve Woz, and the late Steve Jobs for taking Apple to the next level. And, of course, Julian Assange.
Softpedia: Who do you think will be the victor in the battle between good guys (white hats) and bad guys (black hats)? Or will we always have some sort of equilibrium?
John Draper: As far as I'm concerned, they are about even, but the Black hats are always going to have the advantage because they never have to “follow the rules.” The White hats need more freedom to think “outside the box.”
It will go one way, then the other. So, who really knows?
Softpedia: What do you think about WikiLeaks and Julian Assange?
John Draper: I think they are GREAT, I support both, because they are “shaking the tree” of the authorities, certainly giving them a “wake up call.” More power to them for having the [guts] to stick their middle finger at the authorities and political leaders.
Softpedia: Is this a great conspiracy against whistleblowers or is he really guilty of the crimes he is accused of?
John Draper: Well, technically, releasing “classified” information is a very serious crime, but morally, I think the public should know about some of the more “nasty” things the US military are doing, like gu nning down innocent civilians and journalists.
Softpedia: What about Garry McKinnon?
John Draper: I think the existence of UFOs should be made public, and covering up this information should be a crime. What he did took [guts], stirring up the “hornets’ nest.” Obviously, the authorities think different.
Softpedia: Do you think he should have be extradited to the United States?
John Draper: Definitely not.
Softpedia: Has he really caused so much damage as US authorities claim?
John Draper: Not as far as I can tell, but to be honest, I haven't really been tra cking his case. The US is always going to make or manufacture an “escape goat” just to make them look Powerful, and their concept of the “new world Order,” which I think is a farce, and nothing more than flexing their muscles like the Big Bully they are.
Softpedia: Tell us a bit about Crunch Creations and the people around Crunch TV. How is the project so far?
John Draper: I'm still in the process of defining Crunch Creations. But right now, I'm on sabbatical here in Thailand to expose myself in a totally new and very interesting culture, and of course to write enough of my book to get any potential publisher very excited about publishing it.
With my publicity agent, we are looking for a mainstream publisher.
Softpedia: Can you t ell us a few things about your book?
John Draper: It’s called “Hack this Life" and is only a proposed title, but everyone I talked to, likes it.
Softpedia: We also hear that you’re doing a movie and a TV show. What can you tell us about these projects?
John Draper: The TV show is Crunch TV, with my partner Benjamin K, and was created before I signed my book and movie deal, but I have their blessing to continue with it. We normally netcast it on Stickam, and possibly on Ustream.
Softpedia: What is it about?
John Draper: Computer security related, but dumbing it down so John Q. Public can digest it, but with links to a portion whi ch is very technical and informative.
We also feature interviews with prominent shakers and movers, and also feature “the bust of the week,” details on hackers who get arrested for doing “dirty deeds” in the eyes of the Law Enforcement and authorities.
Softpedia: What can you tell us about your future plans and projects?
John Draper: Well, actually, once a publisher accepts our proposal, I also hope to put my book on a tablet like the iPad and Android with a time line, where the reader can enter a month and year, then it brings up Google maps, showing the location, if it still exists, where I used to live, and comments from my friends – if I can locate them – who are still alive.
Softpedia: Is it hard to be the legendary John Dr aper alias Captain Crunch?
John Draper: Very very hard. The hardcore hackers are always critical of me, but this is the price for being a celebrity.
Softpedia: How do your amazing skills and hacker lifestyle affect your personal life?
John Draper: That is really hard to tell, because there is nothing to measure against. On one hand it's helped me, but on the other hand, it's impossible to get a job. So now, I travel the world, giving talks, and sound advice on how to survive in the “lawless wild west” of the Internet.
Softpedia: Are you active in the on social media networks? Where can your fans reach you?
John Draper: I&r squo;m very very active, but only when I want to be. I'm “jdcrunchman” on all the social media. Also, on http://soundcloud/jdcrunchman where I wrote my own music. Psy trance, and “surprise,” I hear a DJ playing it in N. Hollywood a few months ago. Name of song is “Space Station.”
Via: Softpedia Exclusive Interview: Famous Hacker John Draper, AKA Captain Crunch
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