Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Viral of the Day: Top 10 Guiltiest Dogs Online

Should you ever consider getting a dog as accomplice, think again: the video above will show you that the very pooch you were relying on to get away scot-free will turn you in. And s/he might not even mean to do it.

You must have seen by now videos of masters shaming their naughty pooches and recording their (hilarious and a bit overdramatic too) reactions on camera to share with the rest of the world.

Today’s Viral of the Day is actually a compilation of these, offering you the top 10 most awesome and, yes, a bit heartbreaking too, guilty dogs online.

I had to admit, number 3 and number 1 are my favorites. Number 2 also ranks high because of the way his snout trembles when he’s asked if he “ripped momma’s package.”

Number 1 should just get a (doggie) Oscar already.


Via: Viral of the Day: Top 10 Guiltiest Dogs Online

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